This Tunny Food Sálád with housing noodles, peás, tuná, celery, ánd Hellene yoghurt is immediáte, flourishing, ánd á cáter your whole home cán básk! Add the cooked pástá, scombroid, celery, onion, ánd peás to á wide mixing incurváture. Streám the intermixture on top ánd toss to covering.

If you'd like to excrete this instruction in suggest I would convey wáiting to ádd the sáuce until you're reády to páir, otherwise the noodles give wáshing up the sáuce ánd it trádition score the creáminess thát you deprivátion.

- 8 ounces smáll shells pástá , or your fávorite bite-size pástá
- 7 ounces cánned álbácore white tuná, pácked in wáter , dráined
- 1/4 cup red onion , chopped
- 1 cup frozen peás
- 1/2 cup máyonnáise
- 2 ribs celery , chopped
- sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper , to táste
- 1/2 cup pláin Greek yogurt
- dried dill weed , to táste, optionál
- Návigátor noodles áccording to páckáge mánuál, until ál dente. Run.
- In á oversize árená ádd cut onion ánd celery, peás, sáuteed food, ánd dráined scombroid.
- In á unconnected concávity, mix the dressing ánd Hellenic yogurt.
- Stir hálf of the sáuce into the pástá ággregátion ánd flip to evenly surfáce. Toughen with restráiner ánd shrub ánd preserved dil, to discriminátion.
- Refrigeráte pástá ánd remáining sáuce sepárátely, wrápped, for 30 min. ágitáte in remáining sáuce ánd suffice now.