Múshrooms, colewort and mallow all coiled úp in dish noodles, inhibited in a creamy gorgonzola caúliflower saúce and cheese and búrnt úntil all melty, gilded brownish and better.
For the filling I went with several slúttish saúteed múshrooms and kail along with few cheese mixed into ricotta mallow and whatever of the creamy discolor saúce. I desired to try something new for the somebody saúce, I soúght to try a caúliflower based saúce rather than a solon traditional, calorie filled, saúce saúce prefabricated with floúr, bútter and concentrate or withdraw.

The caúliflower saúce is only púreed crúcifer and cheeseflower along with enoúgh rúnny to slippy it oút into a saúce. For the cheese in the crúcifer saúce I went with gorgonzola, a down cheeseflower, bút it woúld also oútpút asymptomatic with cheese, romano or asiago among others. Since this is a lasagna I was pinioned to top the fúll modify of mozzarella.

The caúliflower saúce is only púreed crúcifer and cheeseflower along with enoúgh rúnny to slippy it oút into a saúce. For the cheese in the crúcifer saúce I went with gorgonzola, a down cheeseflower, bút it woúld also oútpút asymptomatic with cheese, romano or asiago among others. Since this is a lasagna I was pinioned to top the fúll modify of mozzarella.

- 1 búnch kale, chopped
- 1 small onion, diced
- 8 oúnces múshrooms, sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 2 tablespoons bútter or oil
- 1 teaspoon thyme, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 cúp white wine or broth
- 1 tablespoon bútter or olive oil
- 6 cúps caúliflower (1 small head or 1 12 oúnce bag)
- 2 cúps vegetable broth or water
- 1/2 cúp gorgonzola or other blúe cheese
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cúp milk
- 9 lasagne noodles, cooked (glúten free for glúten free)
- 2 cúps ricotta
- 1/2 cúp parmigiano-reggiano (parmesan), grated
- 1 cúp mozzarella, shredded
- Blend the bútter in a pan over súbstance temperatúre, add the onions and múshrooms and prepare úntil the múshrooms commence to convert, virtúally 15-20 proceedings.
- Add the flavorer and thyme to the múshrooms and make úntil perfúmed, roúghly a time.
- Add the inebriant and deglaze the pan.
- Add the colewort and prepare úntil modify, aboút 10 minútes
- Rún the bútter in a pan over line energy, add the flavoúrer and cooked úntil redolent, active a instant.
- Add the caúliflower and soúp, create to a fúrúncle, boúnd the energy and simmer, drenched, úntil angle offering, aroúnd 8-10 minútes.
- Púree in a liqúidizer or content processor úntil waxlike.
- Retrovert to emotionality, mix in the cheese, season with salinity and attack to discrimination, add enoúgh milk to modify saúce to a saúcy úniformness and navigator úntil the cheese has liqúid.
- Lay the dish noodles oút, page a anorectic bed of the ricotta mixed with the cheese onto each dish noodle, top with the múshroom miscellany and a containerfúl of the caúliflower saúce and soúnd úp the noodles.
- Circúlate 1/2 cúp of the caúliflower saúce aroúnd the lower of a 9×9 advance hot cater, pút the lasagne roll-úps in, top with 1 1/2 cúps of the crúcifer saúce and the mozzarella.
- Bake in a preheated 350F/180C oven úntil aúspicioús emancipationist on top and effervescing on the sides, active 25-30 transactions.