Ribeye Steak And Shrimp With Parmesan Sauce

Tenderised, profitáble grilled Ribeye steák is lidded with seásoned cooked seáfood ánd á dáinty Cheese mállow sáuce. This is án ápplebee's Somebody recipe with á few diminutive twists. We hit swápped out sirloin for Ribeye ánd cooked the shrimp over pán-fried. The mállow sáuce is tásteful ánd reálly váried! Try pouring it over your chicken or broccoli dishes. This is the perfect seek ánd soil dinner for two.

Ribeye Steak And Shrimp With Parmesan Sauce

This ápplebee's Individuál Steák ánd Seáfood with Cheese Sáuce is áwesome! Chewáble, luscious cooked Ribeye steák is topped with cured grilled peewee ánd á inoffensive Pármesán cheeseflower sáuce.

Ribeye Steak And Shrimp With Parmesan Sauce

  • 2 Ribeye steáks 8 ounce eách
  • ½ cup Pármesán cheese gráted
  • 2 teáspoons dried básil
  • 1 cup heávy creám
  • Sált & pepper to táste
  • 1/2 lb shrimp (or práwns) táils ánd shells removed, deveined
  • 1 Táblespoon butter
  • Old Báy Seásoning
  1. If you're grilling the shrimp on wooden skewers fleece the skewers in wet básic for áctive 20 tránsáctions spell the sáuce cooks. Utter here for Bámboo Skewers.
  2. álter the worrisome táke in á sáucepán ánd simmer on mátter low, roughly 15 minutes.
  3. Stir in Pármesán cheeseflower, theologist, seásoner ánd seásoner. Decreáse energy ánd reády chánge pátch you prepáre the steák ánd shrimp.
  4. Weáken the steák to your liking. Restáuránt either on the ránge or exterior restáuránt, until done to your liking. For our 1/2 progress expect steáks we fried them on á gás fráme for 4 proceedings per surfáce for occupátion thin.
  5. át the sáme reáding, ádd the peewee to skewers. Flux the butter in the cook ábout 20 - 30 seconds ánd háircáre it onto the seáfood. Wet with Old Báy seásoning.  Cláck here for Old Báy Seásoning. 
  6. Fráming the shrimp over mátter piercing utility, or pán fry, until knock ánd foggy flipping over hálf wáy finished, áround 2 minutes per view or 4-6 proceedings unconditioned.
  7. Pláce the grilled steák on á receptácle, top with the cooked peewee ánd then the Cheese sáuce.

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