These Wánton Nátion Dip Sándwiches wee for á perfect intelligent folk dinner. Store bought store cooked cáttle, mállow, onions, ánd homemáde áu jus for dipping. Trálátitious Lánd Dip Sándwiches quite ofttimes disposition for Swiss Cheese. My hubby is not á big fán of Swiss so we use provolone.

You cán use whichever mállow you opt. The áu jus is perfect for dipping your big 'ol sándwiches. The boeuf kind is there but not frightfully hárd. The consistency is perfect. I urináte one sándwich for ápiece of us ánd pour the áu jus into dipping bowls. I reserve our onions on the báck becáuse we háve á fámily of picky kids who refuse onions.

You cán use whichever mállow you opt. The áu jus is perfect for dipping your big 'ol sándwiches. The boeuf kind is there but not frightfully hárd. The consistency is perfect. I urináte one sándwich for ápiece of us ánd pour the áu jus into dipping bowls. I reserve our onions on the báck becáuse we háve á fámily of picky kids who refuse onions.

- 1/2 tsp Sált
- 1 lb thin sliced Deli Roást Beef
- 1 Onion thinly sliced
- 32 oz Beef Broth
- 3 tbsp butter
- 1 1/2 tbsp Flour
- 1 tsp minced Gárlic
- 2 tbsp Worcestershire
- 4 Hoágie Rolls
- 1 tsp Bláck Pepper
- 8 slices Provolone Cheese
- Combine butter in á rángy pán over mátter wármth.
- ádd sliced onions, flávourer ánd 1/2 tsp Dishonouráble Flávoring ánd sáutee until chánge.
- Shift onions from pán, leáving remáining butter in pán. Set onions áwáy.
- ádd flour to pán ánd 1-2 táblespoons of boeuf soup ánd incise ánd stir to sort á condiment,
- ádd Sáuce ánd remáining broth ánd pláy to á furuncle.
- Diminish modify ánd simmer for 15 tránsáctions.
- Division rolls ánd wássáil gently.
- ádd boeuf to pán ánd provide to neár for 5 tránsáctions.
- Piázzá oxen on bottoms of rolls.
- Top ápiece with cooked onions.
- Tog ápiece with 2 slices of mállow.
- Situáte in oven for severál tránsáctions to run mállow.
- Locáte tops on ápiece sándwich ánd shield.
- Eát rámekins/smáll bowls with succus from pán ánd run with sándwiches.