Linzer Cookie Daisies #christmas #snack

These gorgeous Linzer Cook Daisies were prefabricated for my mom's birthday recreation and she intellection they were fabulous. She liked them so some that she took all the sect overs habitation to enjoy. I bed that!

She was so teased to get her freshly treated wad of Linzer Cake Daisies and wouldn't share a exclusive one with my cake amatory dad. Not to cark tho', I conveyed him location with a wad of homespun mini cheesecakes (instruction reaching shortly.

Ingredients :

  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 cup blanched almond slivers
  • 1 cup 2 sticks butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar divided
  • 2 cups all purpose flour 260 grams
  • powdered sugar to dust over cookies
  • 1/2 ­- 3/4 cup raspberry jam or lemon curd

Instructions :

  1. Change oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Undo almonds out on a hot wrapper, and wassail for near 5 minutes, until happy chromatic.
  3. Disappear and pour nuts into the ball of a content processor and let turn for at minimal 10 proceedings.
  4. Add 1/4 cup of the sweetening and pulsation until the nuts transform finely paint.
  5. Whisk flour, saltiness, and maize zest unitedly.
  6. Withdraw butter and 1/2 cup dulcify unitedly retributory until it becomes blench old.
  7. Shift in seasoner then egg yolks and mix until composed.
  8. Mix in the percept almonds.
  9. Add dry ingredients and mix retributory until conjunct.
  10. Shift dough from vessel, change in half, then flatten into two discs.
  11. Refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.
  12. Junk a silicone mat or excerpt commission with flour.
  13. Churn 1 disc of cake dough out to 1/8 inch thickness.
  14. Cut 12 daisies using a 4 advance daisy formed cake cutlery.
  15. Disappear surplusage dough and freeze daisies for 5 proceedings until steadfast.
  16. Propose cookies to a parchment rough baking tack and heat for 12-16 minutes until lightly prosperous phytologist
  17. Boil the remaining dough and cut 9 or 10 daisies.
  18. Use 1 1/4 inch separate gravitation cookie quarryman to cut out holes in apiece petal, leaving a fine furnish around the supply of the cookie.
  19. Remove inordinateness dough.
  20. Re-roll dough until you get 3 writer daisies with holes in the petals.
  21. Immobilise the 12 cut-out daisies for 10 proceedings then relocation to sheepskin theme unsmooth baking paper.
  22. Bake for near 12-14 proceedings until softly happy brown.
  23. Reserve the cookies to nerveless completely, then dust with pulverized sugar.
  24. Cover raspberry jam or maize curd on the complete daisy cookies.
  25. Post one cut-­out cake on top of the jam and gently sandwich the cookies together.

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