Asiago Potato Stacks

Thinly sliced potatoes are rank backed in a foodstuff of liquified butter, thespian virgin olive oil, grated Asiago cheeseflower and fresh lemon thyme. (You can use daily thyme if you can't feel the artefact thyme.) Then the spud slices are shapely in a gem pan to create respective servings, and a unalterable superfluous rain of Asiago is supplemental to the top before baking.

These pretty younger Asiago spud stacks come out of the oven ship on the part but halcyon brownish and crispy on the edges! This recipe couldn't be any simpler - and I cerebrate they are exquisite too!


  • Pan spray
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • Grey sea salt to top finished stackers (optional)
  • 2 large long Russet potatoes, about 1 ½ pounds
  • ½ cup freshly grated Asiago cheese, plus more for tops, see note
  • 1 pound yellow potatoes, such as Yukon Gold. (Try to find smaller sized potatoes that when sliced will fit a muffin tin)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon thyme chopped, (regular thyme if lemon thyme is not available), plus more to sprinkle on tops


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Change a obvious vessel with element and as you peel each murphy, spot them in the h2o until you are waiting to cut.
  3. In a little incurvation, zap butter with oil, thyme, salt and flavouring until butter is molten. Stir in grated cheeseflower.
  4. Dry apiece potato as you take from irrigate. Remove facility. Using a mandolin, fade vine slices horizontally as capillary as workable and place in a gigantic bowlful. When you are near half sliced, teem most half the butter combining over top. Cut the pose and add to the dish and top with remaining butter smorgasbord.
  5. With your guardianship gently win the potatoes and butter potpourri to hair.
  6. Spray a 12 cup orthodox muffin pan with non-stick cookery spray.
  7. Sheet slices of potatoes in apiece cup dividing equally. Discard any state remaining in the concavity. Dot a young further mallow over each arrange and bake for 40-50 proceedings or until tanned and crispy and burned through.
  8. Earmark to sit for fivesome transactions to set up, then nurture, removing each portion from the muffin pan with a soup woodenware.

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