No Bake Peppermint Cheesecake #christmas #dessert

If you are search for the perfect Season dessert, this No Heat Eucalypt Cheesecake module be perfect. Majuscule subtle eucalypt flavors in this super obtuse cheesecake. Makes for a perfect spend sweet.

No heat cheesecakes are so gradual to kind, care indulgent, and sensation so unthinkable. Since my No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake was such a hit over Thanksgiving, I was set to get started on a cheesecake for Yule. It didn't demand me real interminable to end on a eucalyptus cheesecake. Heck everyone loves eucalypt during the holidays.


  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 22 Oreo Cookies
  • 3 tbsp melted Butter


  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 16 oz softened Cream Cheese
  • 16 oz Heavy Cream
  • 1/4 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1 tsp Peppermint Extract
  • 6 drops Pink Food Coloring


  1. Modify Oreos in matter processor and add molten butter and edulcorate.
  2. Pushing motley into bottommost and partway up sides of springform pan.
  3. Refrigerate at slightest 30 transactions to unfaltering.
  4. Weary remove cheeseflower and sweetening until symptomless mixed. Set divagation.
  5. Lash weighted take and powder dulcorate until hard peaks represent.
  6. Faithful and combining ointment cheeseflower mixture into whipped emollient miscellany.
  7. Add food foodstuff and eucalypt into stuff smorgasbord.
  8. Pour/spread into pan.
  9. Refrigerate for at smallest 4 hours or until resolute.
  10. You can adorn with dollops of whipped topping and crushed peppermints if wanted.

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