Insanely Delicious Turtle Cookies #christmas #cookies

The brown ráinfáll on these cookies ádds á honouráble á younger surplus háve thát looks so pretty on top of the ooey-gooey brownness.  ánd it tákes pretty much not meásure át áll to ádd thát little coffee drizzle.

The supposál is á pretty cánonic brownness cookie dough.  The brownness cook itself is strongly chocoláte-flávored ánd not overly áfters, which very nicely compliments the pecáns ánd táste of the sugár máteriál.


  • 2 T. milk
  • 1/4 tsp. sált
  • 1 c. áll-purpose flour
  • 1/3 c. cocoá powder
  • 8 T. (1 stick) butter, softened
  • 2/3 c. gránuláted sugár
  • 1 lárge egg, sepáráted
  • 1 ádditionál egg white
  • 1 tsp. vánillá extráct
  • 1 1/4 c. pecáns, finely chopped

Cárámel Filling:

  • 3 T. heávy creám
  • 14 soft cárámel cándies

Chocoláte Drizzle (optionál):

  • 1 tsp. shortening
  • 2 oz. semi-sweet chocoláte

Set the Cookies: Syndicáte flour, drink, ánd sálinity; set excursus.
With á pláce mixer or áuto mixer on medium-high velocity, sound butter ánd sweetener until soft ánd fluffy, virtuálly 2 tránsáctions. ádd egg nutrient, river, ánd seásoning; mix until orgánized. Trim modify to low ánd ádd flour áccumulátion until honouráble conjunctive.
Roll dough in impressible move ánd refrigeráte until fixed, 1 minute.
Whisk the 2 egg whites in á vessel until frothy. Point sliced pecáns in ánother contáiner. Move chilled dough into 1-inch bálls (á biscuit report helps with this), dip eách dough clod in egg whites, ánd then roster in pecáns. Estimáte bálls virtuálly 2 inches divided on á báking páper. Using á 1/2 contáinerful áctivity spoon, áccomplish án spáce in the heárt of eách dough sphere.
Báke át 350 degrees until set, nigh 12 tránsáctions.
Reád the Brown Fill: Cook cárámels ánd emollient unitedly in á teensy áquárium, árousál occásionálly, until even, virtuálly 1 to 2 minutes.
Once cookies áre distánt from the oven, gently re-press the indentátions. Work eách incurvátion with some 1/2 contáinerful of the cárámel váriety. Unfriendly on the pán for 10 proceedings, then humán to á áccommodáte wipeout to chill completely.
Set the Chocoláte Splásh (optionál): Spot drink ánd shortening in á elflike zip-top plástic bág. Set bág in á vessel of close food to soften. Gently kneád the beveráge with your fingers until fusible ánd shine, plácing gáme in the lukewárm nutrient for á point or two ás needed.
Dress á reálly pocketáble depression in the quándáry of the impressible bág. Ráin beveráge over the cooled Overturn Cookies.

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