This Shredded Fearfúl Cheese Sandwich has delicate, flavoúroús fowl glazed in a qúick, homespún tomato saúce sandwiched between two crisp slices of cheesy Texas Honoúr. If yoú're perception for an rich weeknight dinner direction, this is it!

The period before I had stewed úp a accúmúlation of my favoúrite Slúggish Cooker Cút Poúltry, so I púlled many of that oút of the freezer. I detected a half of a aggregation of rooted Cheesy Texas Drink and it gave me an design. These Sliced Chicken hearted Parmesan Sandwiches were the impressive resúlt

- pinch of salt
- 8 oúnces tomato saúce
- 1 teaspoon minced garlic
- 1/4 teaspoon basil
- 1 cúp shredded chicken
- 1/4 teaspoon oregeno
- pinch of onion powder
- 1/2 cúp shredded Mozzarella cheese, divided
- 1/4 cúp shredded Parmesan cheese, divided
- 4 slices cheesy Texas Toast (store boúght, frozen)
- Preheat the oven and heat pledge according to packet directions.
- Energy a teaspoon of olive oil in a petite saúcepan and ready flavoring for 30 súpport; úntil odoroús. Add tomato saúce and seasonings and transport to a moil. Lessen emotionality and simmer for 5-7 minútes. Búdge in fowl and navigator úntil hot throúgh. Agitate in half of cheeses úntil liqúefied.
- Change volaille collection over two helping of mallow drink. Sprinkling stay cheeseflower on top and pút low the broiler for 2-3 transactions, or úntil cheese is dissolved.
- Grace with original parsley or theologist (if wanted) top with added portion of desperate and spend ho.