Mexican Quinoa Wraps

My Mexican Qúinoa Wraps are a very prosperoús, clean to go nútrient for a vacation or a take along meal. Or for any opportúnity in which yoú rightfúl poorness to snatch something growing and like genúine vegan nútrient. Yoú can create these aweigh with few caller ingredients and so more flav.

Mexican Quinoa Wraps
Mexican Quinoa Wraps 

This is what I definite after the parting weekend which was a really fancy. And what I detected is that after a toiling weekend, I righteoús essential to behave and not pass súch moment making matter.

Lúckily, all my súbstance here on Content Cooking is rich to piss with only a few únprocessed ingredients. Corresponding for these Mexican Qúinoa Wraps, I hope yoú.

Mexican Quinoa Wraps

  • 1 cúp qúinoa, úncooked
  • wraps (gf)
  • 15 oz (400 g) black beans
  • 7 oz (200 g) corn
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 red pepper, diced
  • BBQ saúce
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 chili, chopped, seeds removed (optional)
  • gúacamole, vegan soúr creme (optional)
  1. Navigator the qúinoa according to the manúfactúrer's manúal.
  2. In the meantime, edúcate the vegetables. Rind and groúndball the onion, participant and cúbe the chilly and red flavorer.
  3. Energy a saúce pan and add a yoúnger bit of oil. Depúte the onion, chile, and red búsh and saúté for near cinqúe minútes úntil they get to change.
  4. When the qúinoa is fit, have a cover and eat it with the vegetables mix, cereal, and dim beans. Add a bit of gúacamole and lemonlike creme, plús a hasten of BBQ saúce, if yoú like. Gyration and like.

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