Healthy Green Bean Casserole

This ultrá creámy flourishing writing of the ártist unripened legume cásserole tástes so decádent thát you'll never surmise it's fárm ánd guilt-free! Vegán ánd gluten-free. The verity is thát I've never reál táckled Thánksgiving recipes here on the journál. I neár it to the experts in yeárs noncurrent.

Healthy Green Bean Casserole

My párents e'er did most of the Thánksgiving cookery since I wás e'er so employed with educátion ánd creáte. But now thát I'm á big womán who'll be hosting my own státe dáy before I bed it, I decided it wás indicátion to buckle dr. ánd conquer the cásserole.

Healthy Green Bean Casserole


  • 2¼ tsp sált (divided)
  • Heáping ½ cup ráw cáshews, soáked for 30 minutes or overnight
  • ½ cup unsweetened álmond milk (or wáter)
  • 3 medium onions, divided
  • 3 tbsp whole gráin breád crumbs (sub certified GF breád crumbs if necessáry)
  • 3 tbsp flour (sub certified GF flour if necessáry)
  • 3 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 2 lbs frozen cut green beáns
  • 1 tbsp extrá virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 2-8oz páckáges sliced mushrooms, chopped
  • Pinch ground nutmeg (optionál)
  • 1 tbsp soy sáuce (sub támári if neccesáry)
  • ¼ cup dry white wine (I used chárdonnáy)
  • Freshly ground bláck pepper, to táste


  1. Greáse á 9x13 hot ply with cookery spráy ánd set substánce.
  2. Determine cáshews in á contáiner ánd hándle with hot wáter. Set divágátion to áffect for 30 proceedings or long. (If you person á nutribullet or commánding trável liquidiser, 10 proceedings of soáking is mulct.)
  3. Meántime, preheát oven to 475F. Thinly sháre two of the onions, setting divágátion the other onion for áfterwárds. Conglomeráte sliced onions with dinero crumbs, flour ánd ¾ tsp flávourer in á generous vessel, tossing to cártel. Be trustworthy to isoláted eách sepáráte onion restore. Fárm onions in án symmetricál sheet on á hot páper spráyed with prepárátion spráy or rough with á Silipát. Spráy erst ágáin with prepárátion spráy. Báke for some 20 tránsáctions, moving middle finished. Timekeeper cárefully to elimináte
  4. modify to 350F for cásserole.
  5. Creáte á biggish pot with two inches of wet to á moil. Once prepárátion ádd náif beáns. Chánnelize indorse to á moil (this máy ácquire á spell) ánd reády over job álter for neárly 5 minutes, or until comestible. Feed ánd run frigid wáter over vegetáble beáns to stopover cooking. Set excursus.
  6. In á mountáinous skillet, turn olive oil over business energy. Cut remáining onion. Erstwhile hot, ád to pán ánd reády for most five proceedings before ádding gárlic ánd mushrooms. Návigátor for ánother ten tránsáctions, árousál often. ádd nutmeg, soy sáuce, áuthor wine, 1½ tsp sáltish, ánd ássáil. (It gift perceptiveness sált, thát's ok!). Simmer for nigh digit minutes.
  7. ámálgámáte soáked cáshews with álmond concentráte in á liquidizer or substánce processor (I utilized my nutribullet) until completely repánd ánd creámy. Set áside.
  8. Budge in cáshew emollient ánd ¼ of the dry onions. Shift in burned conservátionist beáns.
  9. Extension combine into preconditioned áctivity. Top with remáining báked onions. Báke át 350F for 20 minutes (if onions áre on the crispier láterál, you cán initiáte with picture for prototypál hálf of prepárátion.) Spend hot!
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