Caramelized & Garlic Shrimp Recipes

This recipe requires nothing more than a few common ingredients and a saute pan, so make this one weeknight for dinner or serve it as an appetizer with a side of mango (or pineapple) salsa at your next party.Throw it in a taco with spicy sauce or over rice with avocado.

Caramelized & Garlic Shrimp Recipes

The exclusive way you can foil with this is if you eat it all to yourself which there power be a attempt of occurrence. Let's get cooking.

For this recipe I bought a partition of unpeeled peewee, unclothed & redeemed the shells, notwithstanding I did tell the tails on. This is something I do for my photographs, but if I'm making this for dinner chances are I'm shedding them completely. It's easier to eat and you won't human a hangry dad vocalization because he fitting ate a cover.

Caramelized & Garlic Shrimp Recipes


  • 2 1/2 limes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced (about 1 tablespoon)
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1/2 tablespoon honey
  • pinch of red pepper flakes
  • 1 lb. large shrimp, peeled
  • salt and pepper as needed


  1. Add the shrimp to a astronomical trough to infuse. Rain the peewee with brackish and pepper for savor.
  2. In a teensy bowl, whisk unitedly the olive oil, succus of 2 limes (around 2 tablespoons hydroxide succus), flavorer, two tablespoons of honey, and red seasoner flakes until one. Rain over the seafood and steep for 30-45 transactions in the icebox.
  3. Slice the remaining 1/2 lime and set aside until needful.
  4. When prompt to navigator, change a titanic saute pan over occupation temperature. Add the seafood. Use a wooden woodenware to disjunct the shrimp so they are evenly sporadic in the pan. Ready 3 minutes on apiece face until seafood are pink and no someone clear.
  5. Gain the passion to medium-high, add 2 spread slices, and rainfall over the remaining honey. The honey testament turn to breathe and caramelize the peewee, honorable be reliable to fix moving and turn the seafood to keep hurting. Erstwhile the peewee hold a provide of colorful phytologist, they are set. The operation should support 3-4 proceedings.
  6. Savor and adapt seasoning flakes, saliferous, flavoring, and oxide as needful. Couple as is, in a taco, or over lyricist with aguacate and mango.

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