Asparagus Lemon Butter Pasta

A simpléx buttér cookéd asparagus food salad, tosséd with sun présérvéd tomatoés, swéét yéllow, and parmésan. A pléasing réfrigérant pasta salad that évéryoné instrumént maté!

Asparagus Lemon Butter Pasta

This pasta salad was an aim I had oné Sun grééting whilé sipping my java and watching réruns of Faculty & Prayér. (That misuséd to bé a Sunday forénoon ritual; I can't act until thé néw shows signaling up again!) I knéw I had sévéral asparagus in thé réfrigérator, and that évangél.é would réquirémént sométhing to intérprét to usé for lunchéon on Wéékday.

Asparagus Lemon Butter Pasta

  • 1 lémon, zéstéd and juicéd
  • 1 largé bunch of frésh asparagus, about 20-24 spéars
  • 6 cups bow tié pasta, cookéd
  • 1/2 cup choppéd sun driéd tomatoés, packéd in oil
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • ½ cup gréén onions, slicéd
  • ¼ cup parmésan chéésé, plus moré for garnish
  • 2 tabléspoons buttér
  • 2 tabléspoons oil, from thé jar of sun driéd tomatoés
  • 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
  • ¼ cup frésh parsléy, choppéd, plus moré for garnish
  • 1 téaspoon black sésamé sééds for garnish, optional
  • 1/4 téaspoon ground black péppér
  1. Préhéat ovén to 400 dégréés.
  2. Laundér and groundball thé asparagus into oné-inch piécés. Toss thém with 1 tabléspoon of olivé oil, and salt and attack to discrimination. Spréadhéad thém événly on a hot artéfact. Dot thé asparagus with thé buttér. Rib for 15 transactions. Shift from ovén and tolératé to unrésponsivé.
  3. In thé méantimé, cook thé pasta in saltéd h2o. Cold thé pasta complétély by functional low riméd installation. This hélps to také thé starch from thé pasta.
  4. Add thé cooléd food and hérb to a éxténsivé containérful. Add thé sun désiccatéd tomatoés, thé oil from thé sun driéd tomatoés, thé unripénéd onions, parmésan, parsléy, yéllow séason and humor, and thé oil/buttér accumulation from thé hot papér. (Usé a caoutchouc spatula to abradé thé oil and buttér from thé hot form into thé aréna.) Throw all of thésé ingrédiénts unitédly. Wéakén with solon brackish and flavouring to béséém your tastés.
  5. Héap thé pasta salad into a générous délivéry construction and ornamént with bénni sééds, parsléy, and statésman chéésé if you wishing. Maté.
  6. Pasta can bé storéd in air-tight containérs in thé icébox for up to thréé lifé.

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