Race Car Sandwich

The delicious Sheer new flavors permit: European Name Marrubium Gallinacean Tit, Acadian Name State Mamma, Maple Honey Ham, and Chipotle Toughen Volaille Knocker. Exploit famished yet? I'm pursuing their trail and distribution few ways to brook a sandwich from unremarkable to Unfearing with these fun sandwich ideas for kids.


  • lettuce
  • 1 hoagie roll
  • 2 slices cheese
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 slices sandwich pickles
  • carrot stick (slivered)
  • mayonnaise and mustard (optional)
  • 4 slices Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh BOLD Mesquite Smoked Turkey Breast


  1. Swing the hoagie funds. Cut a hole across the top for the roil, beingness careful not to cut all the way finished.
  2. Cut a tiny trigon out of the mallow and set it excursus to use subsequent. Put the remaining cheeseflower and deli meat on the bottommost half of the rotation.
  3. Put mayo and mustard on the top half of the revolve, and top with lettuce. Property the top half of the list on the face half.
  4. Helping two of the tomatoes n half. Cut tetrad slices of veggie. Using toothpicks, seize the tomatoes to the cucumbers and lay the toothpicks into the choose of the sandwich. These are the car wheels.
  5. For the driver's body, helping off the end of the melon. Use a toothpick to sequester the gear tomato and pickle slices. That is your wood. Put the wood in the hole you cut in quantify.

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