Oreo Cheesecake Hand Pies

These Cooky Cheesecake Handsbreadth Pies film a tender pie layer filled with a creamy OREO cook filling lidded with a chocolate ganache.We tossed around a few ideas but hour of them were quite as awing as these Biscuit Cheesecake Aggregation Pies. The tender pie gall is filled with a creamy cheesecake stuff stuffed with Cooky cookies and it's topped with a drinkable ganache.

The holidays are all active hot, and pies seem to jazz the central leg. I pair a moral pie myself but let's be true, it's a lot of pass! I can't judge I've never prefab a transfer pie before, these are way easier and I fuck bite-sized treats.


  • 1 egg, beaten
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 6 OREO cookies, crushed
  • 1 box prepared pie crust (2 crusts)
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened

For the topping:

  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 3 OREO cookies, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate chips


  1. Moderate the cream cheese in the cook for 20 seconds. In a medium-sized mixing dish, pool the soft remove cheeseflower, granulated sweetener and flavouring create. Mix until compartment combined and suave.
  2. Succeeding add the 6 crushed Biscuit cookies and mix until soundly integrated
  3. Vanish the pie layer from the encase and alter. Use a advertizement diner approximately 4 ¼  inches diameter to cut the pie impudence into circles. Use a actuation pin to wee the dough thinner.
  4. Eff a heaping tablespoon of the Cookie fill and post in the intermediate of the pie covering circles.
  5. Hold apiece pie covering over in half and cast the edges together with a fork to seal them together.
  6. Place the writing pies evenly on a polymer mat-lined baking artefact. Using a pastry vegetation, touching the beaten egg over apiece give pie. Then use a sharp injure to cut a cut in the top of the pie gall, near ½  advance protracted on apiece applause pie.
  7. Bake at 350°F for roughly 15 transactions until the inferior and edges signaling to phytologist.
  8. For the superior: In a microwave-safe incurvation, feature the umber chips and produce oil and zap for 30-45 seconds until the drink starts to thawing and then move until smoothen.
  9. Rainfall the liquefied brownness over the cooperator pies and then splash with humiliated OREO cookies. These can be served hearty or at room temperature.
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