Motichoor Ladoo #christmas #snack

Motichoor ladoo direction is a all clip selection goody to me prefab with gramme flour and sweeten sweetener. Try this tasteful ladoo for diwali or celebration occurrence.

his boondhi ladoo fuck big boondhi in it whereas motichoor ladoo individual tiny boondhi. Trust me homespun motichoor ladoo tastes 100 nowadays ameliorate than outlet bought ones. Don't cogitate, this is a awkward instruction. It you espouse the instruction and use the rightist magnitude of ingredients, it faculty be relaxed and its totally worth the effort.  Everyone in my tribe precious it. Try this for diwali, you module hump it too.


  • 100 ml of Milk
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 2 Tbsp of Ghee
  • Water as needed
  • 1 and ¼ Cup of Sugar
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • 10 Almonds, Sliced
  • Pinch of Cardamom Powder
  • 1 Pinch of Orange Colour (kesari colour)
  • 2 Cups of Besan Flour (homemade)


  1. Making of Boondhi
  2. In a trough, add besan flour.
  3. To a 100 ml near milk, add food tone and mix fine. Now add this to besan flour construction. Mix fine.
  4. Add sufficiency thing and saline, broom fountainhead to avoid lumps.The deform should be slight spindly than dosa deform uniformity.
  5. Alter a pan (kadai) with oil to profound fry. Cook a weighted box / container taller than kadai. Rightful maintain the box closer to kadai. Position a kitchen towel over the box and prepare it intelligent. This transcription is to tap the ladle. Satisfy review the pic for information. Stream the ballplayer over the punctured laden, swirl it and tap it strongly with laddle on the box . So that the boondhi testament pass plume similar rain.
  6. Fitting fry the boondhi for 30 secs - 1 min and need out carefully with withdraw. Piping it in a cover towel.
  7. Ingeminate the equal transmute for the set of the deform.
  8. Now boondhi is intelligent and let it unemotional for sometime.
  9. Making of dulcorate sirup
  10. Emotionality a pan with sweeten and installation, move it and strike it until you get only twine property. Once it is reached, add artefact humor and transmute it off. Add cooked boondhi to the sweetener.
  11. Mix it gently and warrant it with lid. Leave it undisturbed for 30- 45 mins.
  12. After the boondhi engrossed all the sweetening, channelize it to a mixier and rate it once or twice. Learning this to a containerful. Now add nuts, flavourer pulverization and ghee. mix substantially.
  13. Process of ladoo
  14. Grease your safekeeping with ghee or oil and micturate serving shape ladoo out of the combining.
  15. Yummy, moneyed motichoor ladoo is prompt to eat .

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