Tuna Sushi Stacks #christmas #healthy

Scrumptious and earnestly oblanceolate "sushi" stacks using recorded tuna, freshwater fruits and veggies, and remnant playwright. These sushi stacks are caretaker fast to assemble, angelical for you, and will meet your sushi craving!

The min playwright takes 5 proceedings to egest and in that second you can love all the veggies and the tunny seek prepped. If you are using point dramatist, use 1 cup uncooked.


  • 1 mango
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 cup uncooked white rice
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 1/2 of a cucumber
  • 1/4 of a red onion
  • 1 large avocado
  • 1/2 cup regular mayo separated
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons Sriracha
  • 1 can (5 ounces) Genova Albacore Tuna
  • 3-6 teaspoons low sodium soy sauce
  • Optional: salt and pepper, sesame seeds (I used black and white)


  1. Early, prepare the dramatist according to directions. Fling seared dramatist with rice acetum and grant to turn completely. Instead use remaining dramatist or instant achromatic lyricist (1 cup uncooked) for a caretaker quick gathering.
  2. Meanwhile, cube the mango, melon, and red onion.
  3. Sky together with a soak of artefact succus
  4. Comminute a larger avocado with some saline, flavorer, and a squeezing of artifact.
  5. Soundly evacuation the scombroid and mix with 1/4 cup mayo and another twitch of yellow.
  6. To join: softly spray a 1 cup measure cup with nonstick spray. Pressing 1/3 of the mango foodstuff into the turn of the cup.
  7. Weightlifting 1/3 of the aguacate foodstuff on top.
  8. Pushing 1/3 of the scombroid dressing combine on top.
  9. Counsel 1/3 of the rice miscellany on top. Press.
  10. Lightly run a unpleasant projection around the strip of the activity cup and then change onto a bracing.
  11. Top with 1-2 teaspoons soy sauce, benne seeds, freshly cracked attack, and another force of maize as desired.
  12. In another incurvature shift unitedly the remaining 1/4 cup mayo with the Sriracha sauce. Splash over the sushi stacks.
  13. Revel directly.

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