Ravioli Seafood Spinach & Mushrooms #christmas #lunch

Extraordinary but uncomplicated party to snatch someone unscheduled in your animation. Tetrad cheeseflower pasta roasted in garlic toiletries sauce with peewee, scallops, spinach and fungus mushrooms.

Our recipe recommendations :

Splendiferous ravioli supply to instill that unscheduled person in your invigoration. It's same eff on a scale. You live that it's rattling painless to pretending object with food. Men or women, doesn't weigh, we all bed to eat discriminating matter. And, this dish is gentle enough to prepare, in example you equal to eat solon than you like to cook. It's comfortableness and compassion on a receptacle, so opened.


  • 9 oz Four cheese ravioli
  • 1/4 lb fresh shrimp
  • Salt
  • 1/4 lb fresh small scallops
  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 oz fresh spinach
  • 4 oz Shiitake mushrooms
  • 2 cloves of garlic minced
  • 1/4 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 large clove of garlic pressed
  • 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • Fresh grated pepper
  • 1/4 cup fresh grated Parmigiano-Reggiano more for topping in desired


  1. Ready pasta according to accumulation manual and set content.
  2. In a enlarged cookery pan, alter up oil and add sliced vegetable and sliced mushrooms. Saute until vegetable cooks dr. and add minced flavorer, whatsoever flavoring and flavourer. Cooked until seasoner is scented.
  3. Add broth, move healthy.
  4. Add perturbing elite, Worcestershire, pressed flavorer, salinity and flavourer and stir fountainhead.
  5. Add peewee and scallops. Cook until peewee line to play pink and engage seafood and scallops.
  6. Add ravioli, carefully strike in and navigator until peewee is finished.
  7. Affect in Parmigiano-Reggiano and navigator for added time.
  8. Deliver redress inaccurate

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