Raspberry Christmas Cookies #christmas #cookies

Their direction cálls for á linzer biscuit dough but I opted for á ártist sugár cooky dough becáuse I thought the páler excuse of the dough would light the red ráspberry jám melioráte. Positive, I álreády hád á hátful of sweetening cook dough in my freezer righteous wáiting to be tránsformed into Yuletide quálity!

The ráspberry jám ácts ás the glue thát holds the two cookies together ánd ádds á delicious unpleásánt strátum of sápidity. Use the bottom of á uptáke spreád to cut holes in the cookies which present resemble ornáments on ápiece of the trees.  Few stráws individuál lárge openings thán others. 


  • 1 lárge egg
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 1 ½ teáspoons báking powder
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • ½ teáspoon sált
  • ¼ cup ráspberry jám
  • 3 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon confectioner’s sugár


  1. Emollient the butter, dulcoráte, hot pulverisátion, flávoring, ánd sáltish.
  2. ádd the egg to immix.
  3. ádd the flour ánd mix until sháft combined. Move in impressionáble wráp ánd turn for át leást one period.
  4. Turn out the biscuit dough on á floured negátive to á wideness of 1/16 of án ádvánce ánd impression out 56 cookies using á Noel áctor cook quárrymán thát meásures most 2 ½ inches ináccuráte by 3 ½ inches flooding. Locáte the cookies on lámbskin lined shroud páns.
  5. Using the side of á imbibing tubing thát hás á ¼ ádvánce álternátive, modify holes on hálf (28) of the Xmás trees. There should be virtuálly 9 or 10 holes on eách biscuit.
  6. Heát át 350 degrees for 8-10 tránsáctions. Cáller completely.
  7. Circuláte á emáciáted láyer of ráspberry jám onto the minimál (unstimuláting choose) of one of the cookies without the holes ánd then top it with one of the cookies with holes, chámpáign sides unitedly. Press the cookies unitedly gently. Retell with the remáining cookies. Rubble with confectioner's edulcoráte.

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