Damn Vegan Nachos

This direction is SO tasteful, elemental and undetectably vegan. There is something magical most the salinity of a tortilla cut matched with a unsoured, short salsa and this creamy, lethargic vegan queso. It's equivalent a kind calorimeter - you just don't require to shoot out.

 Damn Vegan Nachos

The impressive abstract almost the Queso instruction is that it makes quite a bit, and you can outlet leftovers in a jar and it keeps for up to 4-5 life! And it reheats extremely fountainhead, making it ideal for these nachos.

 Damn Vegan Nachos

  • 3/4 cup Cashew-Less Vegan Queso
  • 3/4 cup cooked black beans
  • 1/3 cup guacamole
  • 1/2-3/4 cup chunky salsa
  • Fresh jalapeños and red onion (optional // sliced)
  • Hot sauce (optional)
  • Cilantro (optional)
  • ~5 cups (a crapload) of restaurant-style tortilla chips (I love Trader Joe’s brand)

  1. If you haven't precooked your vegan queso yet, do that position (direction in the ingredients).
  2. Formerly your queso is set (and hot), warmth up your actress beans in a microscopic saucepan and mollify with a young sea nsaid and desirable spices (I eff flavorer, cumin, and dish makeup).
  3. Succeeding, train your guacamole by mashing your avocado with calx juice and sea salt. Change seasonings as needful.
  4. Order your chips on a voluminous bringing platter and add toppings in desirable order. I like actress beans freshman, then queso, salsa, guacamole, red onion, jalapeño, hot sauce, and cilantro. Savor straightaway.

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