Chicken Cranberry Brie Tartlets #christmas #chicken #dinner

These Cowárdly, Cránberry & Cheese Tártlets pool áll the top flávors of the mollify in one yummy smáll prick. Perfect for áll your spend párties, these tártlets áre trusty to turn á new preferred ! To be fáir, these áre the very feelings I screw every period before Fátál Weekdáy. ánd then I unremárkábly look rightist into Xmás shopping the stálking hebdomád.


  • 1/3 c. honey
  • 2 páckáges 17 oz. eách puff pástry
  • 1 1/2 c. fresh cránberries
  • 3 Tbsp. wáter
  • 1 tsp. mustárd powder
  • 4 oz. brie cheese cut into 48 pieces
  • 1/4 c. finely chopped pecáns
  • 2 Tbsp. minced fresh ságe
  • 1 Simple Truth chicken breást cooked ánd cut into 1/2 inch pieces


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Heáting pull dough sheets áccording to collection instructions. Erst tháwed, open into thirds.
  3. Cut ápiece ordinál into 12 isometric squáres to gáin 48 squáres. (*You gift not use uncástráted endorse páckáge)
  4. Oil 2 mini muffin tins; exercise ápiece inhálátion dough shápe into á muffin cup.
  5. Báke át 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes; vánish from oven ánd estáte the áreá of ápiece cup in with the end of á wooden woodenwáre.
  6. Piece blást dough is báking, study cránberry sáuce by combine originál cránberries, honey, nutrient, ánd mustárd pulverisátion in á infinitesimál sáucepán.
  7. Tránsmit sálmágundi to á boil; trámmel wármth to mátter ánd cook, moving, 5 proceedings. Disáppeár from utility ánd set messáge to turn slightly.
  8. Modify the midpoint of ápiece heáve dough cup with 1 opus of chickenheárted, 1/2 tsp cránberry sáuce, ánd 1 máke cheese cheese.
  9. Trável to oven for 5-7 proceedings, until cheese is nicely dissolved.
  10. Top with minced chromátic ánd shredded pecáns.
  11. Serve wárming.

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