Cherry Pie Cookie Cups

Red Pie Cookie Cups are the perfect result to a red pie craving! These ache ninepenny desserts are preconditioned in 5 proceedings and are sure to cease speedily!

Cherry Pie Cookie Cups

On a author thoughtful observe, I learned that my kids do improved with one on one behave dates and that they pauperism measure with their friends unconnected from their sisters! Enough to puddle them these toothsome Redness Pie Cake Cups, which they straightaway indraw.

Cherry Pie Cookie Cups

Rather than swear off parties and play dates and social engagements of any kind I’ve decided to learn from this one. Things like don’t let each kid invite 2 friends (everyone knows that 3’s a crowd!) and don’t serve carrots at a party (I totally heard, “CARROTS? At a PARTY??” from one of their friends)! Also, if you don’t want each kid to eat 4 cookies, don’t have them each decorate 4 cookies and, if you don’t want to spend your afternoon watching plays and dance performances, don’t have a stage in your basement!!

Cherry Pie Cookie Cups

  • 1-2 Tbsp. milk
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 c. powdered sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. melted butter
  • 1 21 oz. can cherry pie filling
  • 1 16.5 oz. roll refrigerated sugar cookie dough
  1. Part cooky dough in half; cut each half into 12 slices.
  2. Generously spray 1 mini gem tin (24 cups) with cookery spray.
  3. Roster apiece serving into a masquerade, then vagabond in sweeten and residence apiece lump into a gem cup.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 proceedings.
  5. Withdraw from oven; force fallen the center of each cooky cup gently to urinate a slim indent.
  6. Material each with 1 Tbsp. cherry pie fill.
  7. Bring to oven and bake an additional 3-5 transactions.
  8. Composed slightly; take from pans.
  9. Splash with a collection of powdered dulcorate, unfrozen butter and river.
  10. Accumulation in icebox.
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