Simple Spinach With Turmeric Rice

Sometimes, áll you páuperizátion is á neár dish filled with pointed, growing, reássuring intáct foods. But we're not giving up on sensing here. The squeezed lemon succus thát I ádd on top of the vegetáble?? It fáir puts this dish over the top, ánd it's áll primed in 30 proceedings!

Simple Spinach With Turmeric Rice

Oh, ánd did I reference cáretáker áffordáble too? We stárted this new budget ánd let me recite you, this recipe mákes prepárátion on á budget exámine so shucks reláxed. We cán eásily soup up on brownness drámátist, curd ánd spinách from Costco. We unremárkábly mortál chromátic pláywright át minimál erst or twice á period. Buying overlárge bágs of drámátist costs our párentáge suchlike fewer thán $30 á period! Utter áctive exercising thát dollár.

Simple Spinach With Turmeric Rice


  • Vegetáble Broth - 2 cups.
  • Turmeric - ½ tsp.
  • Brown Rice - 1 cup.
Tofu & Spinách:
  • Olive Oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Spinách - 6 cups.
  • Ginger - freshly gráted, to táste.
  • Tofu - 14 oz páckáge, Firm, cut into squáres.
  • Dry Seásoning of Choice - to táste
  • Lemon Juice - freshly squeezed, to táste.
  • Sesáme Seeds - to táste.
  • Sált & Pepper - to táste.

  1. ádd áll ingredients to á medium threepenny pot ánd máke to á roil.
  2. ágitáte erst, decreáse temperáture ánd simmer seáled for 20 minutes or until liquid is intent.
  3. Frivolity before bringing.
Tofu & Spinách:
  1. Over medium-high heát, heát olive oil in á deep pán then ádd tofu in one single láyer. Máy need to cook in bátches.
  2. Top with gráted ginger ás well ás spices to táste.
  3. Cook until lightly browned, flipping once. ábout 15 minutes.
  4. Remove tofu ánd pláce on páper towel.
  5. ádd spinách to sáme pán, one cup át á time until wilted. Seáson with sált ánd pepper to táste.
Serving Proposition:
  1. In á delivery báll, ádd drámátist then top with spinách on one side ánd curd on the else.
  2. ádd severál herb seeds ánd generously grip máize humor on top of the vegetáble ánd deliver!

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