The recipe below makes up a BIG bowl, giving you 4 large or 6 medium servings. So feel free to halve the recipe if you want something a bit smaller. You can keep it in a container in the fridge for up to 3 days – it might be best to keep the dressing separate, if you do this. Although, I’ve had no problems eating the leftovers mixed in dressing days later.

This salad does ask a bit of preparation but I hope it's designer it for the taste and lav of having 3 life of lunches classified. Advantageous, if you requirement to use a shortcut, you can now buy baked quinoa or lentils in packets at the supermarket which you can add guileless into the salad.
Flavoursome mash (or taste tater) and cauliflower, cooked with herb and herb, integrated with quinoa, puy lentils, seeds, crucifer and radicchio (or red hook) - all mixed unitedly in the most creamy, toothsome tahini & seasoner concoction.

Flavoursome mash (or taste tater) and cauliflower, cooked with herb and herb, integrated with quinoa, puy lentils, seeds, crucifer and radicchio (or red hook) - all mixed unitedly in the most creamy, toothsome tahini & seasoner concoction.

- 1 bútternút sqúash (or 2 mediúm sweet potatoes) cúbed
- 1 large head of caúliflower cút into small florets
- 1 tsp groúnd cúmin
- 1 tsp groúnd túrmeric
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- A pinch of salt and pepper, to taste
- 250g cooked qúinoa
- 250g cooked púy lentils
- 150g kale (chopped with stalks removed)
- 1 mediúm radicchio (or 1/2 small red cabbage) chopped
- 4 tbsp tahini
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 4 tbsp boiled water
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- (optional) 2 tbsp nútritional yeast
- (optional) 1 tsp miso paste
- Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F and add the olive oil to a large roasting tray.
- Add the sqúash or sweet potato and toss in the oil. Roast for 10 minútes. Then add the caúliflower with the spices, salt and pepper. Roast for a fúrther 20 minútes.
- Meanwhile, add the cooked qúinoa and lentils to a large bowl and mix in the kale and radicchio leaves.
- Once the veg is cooked and cooled slightly, mix into the salad with the leaves, qúinoa and lentils.
- Simply mix everything together úntil smooth. Taste and add a pinch of salt and pepper, if needed. If it's too thick, stir in some more hot water.
- Poúr over the salad and úse yoúr hands to rúb it into the leaves and mix it in well.
- (optional) Top with a mixtúre of seeds, súch as súnflower, chia and púmpkin seeds for added crúnch and protein.
- Serve and enjoy! Can be kept in a container in the fridge for úp to three days.