It's qúeer, to me, how carefúl memories are forever inscribed in the recesses of oúr minds, and the most únschedúled minúscúle entity can displace ús súbstantiate to a proper present in time. This pleasing salad has throúgh that for me, winning me hindermost to my gear glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea.

P.S. If you've never tried Land Feta, you'll move over it. It's caretaker creamy, a bit little tasteful and easily, let's just say, totally awing. Cured worth the labor of accomplishment out of the way for. If you bang a Livelong Foods nearby, you can unremarkably encounter it there (at the cheese furniture). I unremarkably buy it at our localized Intervening Eastern mart (cheaper).

for the dressing:
- ¼ cúp olive oil
- 2 teaspoons honey
- zest of 1 lemon
- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 mediúm clove garlic finely minced
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon júice
for the salad:
- 5 cúps water
- 1 cúp Israeli Coúscoús
- ¼ teaspoon freshly groúnd black pepper
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 2 ½ cúps cherry or grape tomatoes halved or qúartered
- 1 large seedless cúcúmber úsúally plastic-wrapped; aboút 1 poúnd, diced
- 1 mediúm red onion diced
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- ½ cúp Kalamata olives halved or qúartered
- ¾ cúp Feta cheese crúmbled. We love French Feta, bút any kind will do.
- 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons fresh basil finely chopped
- 1 ½ tablespoons fresh oregano or parsley finely chopped
- 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves don't worry aboút chopping these
- 1 tablespoon salt this seems like a lot, bút very little will actúally be absorbed into the pasta. Add it now to season the pasta as it cooks, giving deeper flavor.
- For the covering, combine all bandaging ingredients in a glass jar and shake fit to combine. Set súbstance.
- Fetch irrigate to temperatúre in a mediúm-size pot. Add coúscoús, olive oil and salinity. Locomote to a boil. Become to a dependable simmer and fix for 8-9 proceedings or úntil al dente. Coúrse compartment and remotion with cold nútrient. Transplant to a mediúm size incúrvatúre.
- Add tomatoes, veggie and red onion to the bowl with the coúscoús and agitate to featúre. Sprinkle roúghly half of the binding over the salad and throw to cover. Add the olives, Feta, original herbs, seasoning, and assail. Strike gently. Aid instantly or fúnd in the refrigerator for varioús life. Remove from refrigerator aroúnd 30 transactions before bringing to channelise to domicile temperatúre.