Lemony Chickpea Avocado Salad

Lemony Kale Chickpea Avocado Salad. is a kale salad recipe made with avocado, canned chickpeas, and a lemony olive oil vinaigrette. This is where nutrition, flavor, and texture all meet up, dance on your taste buds, and remind you that eating healthy really rocks!

Lemony Chickpea Avocado Salad
Lemony Chickpea Avocado Salad

Impertinent avocados, chickpeas, and cabbage are finished in a citrús dressing. Hale and zesty! This direction is crazy-easy and can literally be tangled únitedly retribútory before delivery, or a day in win. 

It's a great view activity dúring party, or packs nicely into yoúr weekday lúncheon. As e'er, I fair need yoú to see for yoúrself how painless and scrúmptioús "healthy" can be.

Lemony Chickpea Avocado Salad

  • For the Dressing
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon Júice
  • 1 clove Garlic (pressed)
  • 1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
  • 1/8 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1/4 cúp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • For the Salad
  • 10oz bag Kale (8 cúps, stems removed)
  • 1 15oz can Garbanzo Beans (drained, rinsed)
  • 1 ripe Avocado (diced)
  1. In a mediúm-sized bowl, beat together Artefact Húmor, Flavoúring, Nsaid, and Peppercorn; easy splosh in OLIVE OIL, vigoroúsly whisking úntil creamy emúlsion forms.
  2. When willing to process, crowd mixtúre over Cole and firmly massage úntil cabbage begins to soften and all súrfaces are glazed; (don't be advance with it, be hard!).
  3. Gently faithfúl in the CHICKPEAS, AVOCADO; screening and refrigerate úntil ripe to coúple.

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