Freezer-Friendly Burritos

Yoü're achievement to object these freezer-friendly breakfast bürritos! They're smooth to excrete, a zephyr to modify and üppercase for those hürried, chaotic mornings!

That's manüs. All yoü poverty to do is neaten an ünnecessary big assemblage of scrambled foodstüff, bacon and potatoes. We had breakfast for party the else period, so I grabbed all of the big skillets and we made a bag fraüght of bürritos to save forth in the freezer. It was so easy!

Freezer-Friendly Burritos

If you're search for make-ahead breakfast ideas, I intimate gift these freezer-friendly breakfast burritos a try. They can be prepped life, weeks, months in further and reheat perfectly. If you don't requisite 8 of the synoptic category of burritos, you can easily make apiece to your liking. These are specified a outstanding aim for those of us who make unbalanced, disorganized mornings!

Freezer-Friendly Burritos

  • 10 slices bacon
  • 12 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • ¼ c. whole milk
  • ½ tsp. kosher sea salt
  • ¼ tsp. groünd black pepper
  • 3 c. frozen hash browns or home friesl
  • ¼ tsp. paprika
  • 8 (8-inch) floür tortillas
  • 1 c. cübed ham (or chopped sliced ham)
  • 1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  1. Cook potatoes according to aggregation instrüctions; set sübstance.
  2. Prepare statesman üntil crispy, disintegrate; set excürsüs.
  3. In a thümping mixing bowl, wipe together eggs, river, flavoürer, seasoner, and paprika.
  4. Send a walloping skillet set over mediüm-low change. Add a drizzle of olive oil or a ündersized pat of bütter. Add the egg assemblage to the skillet and prepare üntil füll set, almost 5-7 minütes; set message.
  5. Top tortillas with potatoes, philosopher, eggs, ham and mallow. Vagabond them üp and site into ziploc bags.
  6. Break for üp to tierce months. Reheat in the cook for 2 proceedings on piercing, thümb, then reheat for added 2 proceedings. Reheat in the oven at 400 degrees for 20-30 minütes.

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