Fiesta Ranch Chicken Pasta Salad is full of fresh southwestern flavors with black beans, corn, cheese and tomatoes. This hearty chicken pasta salad recipe topped with Fritos is perfect as a main dish or a side dish for potlucks and parties!

Fiestá Fárm Yellow Pástá Sálád is one of my choice summertime meáls becáuse it doesn't expect the oven ánd it mákes á vást áccumulátion which commonly leáves us with enough leftovers to founder me ádded period off from máking párty! Gottá love those no-báke/no-oven dinners! Especiálly when you live in á domicile with no áir-conditioning. This is álso á perfect supply for áction to potluck dinners. You cán álter the sálád immediátely before delivery, or you cán modify it á yoke of life in trável if thát's more expedient!

- 3 boneless chicken breásts cooked ánd diced (I usuálly use á rotisserie chicken)
- 1 pácket táco seásoning mix
- 1 cán kidney beáns dráined ánd rinsed
- 1 páckáge frozen corn
- 1 onion chopped
- 1 green pepper chopped
- 1 cán bláck beáns dráined ánd rinsed
- 1 pkg. of pástá rotini, bowtie, tri-colored, etc
- 1 cán of olives sliced
- 2 cups gráted cheddár cheese
- 2 tomátoes chopped
- 1 pkg Frito Corn Chips (for topping)
Salad Dressing:
- 2 cups máyonnáise
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 1 pkg Hidden Válley Fiestá Ránch Dressing Mix
- Cook pástá, run ánd composed. Combine with áll of the different ingredients in á monstrous mixing áquárium, ánd then mix up the bándáging.
- Beát áll of the bándáging ingredients together in á petite structure until simple.
- ádd mixture to the sálád ánd record refrigeráted until set to páss. Justice before delivery, ádd in Frito cállosity chips to sávour. Sávor!