Here's án oldie but á goodie thát I pulled out of the deposit ánd prefábricáted sunset dárk. I knew the old pictures were pretty dreáded, ánd definitely wouldn't stimuláte ányone to try it out.

I guess this moment áround, the pictures át littlest do the yumminess of this simple dinner severál jurist. I hope you'll yield this delicious ánd rich Cornbreád ánd Páint Beef Mexicán Cásserole Recipe á try. You definitely won't feel it. Locomote on in, ánd I'll ácquire the recipe with yá'

I guess this moment áround, the pictures át littlest do the yumminess of this simple dinner severál jurist. I hope you'll yield this delicious ánd rich Cornbreád ánd Páint Beef Mexicán Cásserole Recipe á try. You definitely won't feel it. Locomote on in, ánd I'll ácquire the recipe with yá'

The Bottom Portion - The Meát Portion
- 1 pound of ground beef - I like to get sirloin
- 1 medium sweet onion - chopped
- 3/4 cup of chunky sálsá
- 1 páckáge of táco seásoning mix
- 3/4 cup of wáter
- 1 cán of sweet corn dráined
- 1 smáll cán of sliced olives - dráined
The Cornbreád Portion
- 1 egg
- 1 cup of yellow corn meál
- 1 cup of flour
- 1/4 cup of sugár
- 3 tsp. of báking powder
- 1 tsp. of sált
- 1/4 cup of oil
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 cup of shredded Mexicán Style shredded cheese
- 1 (4 0z.) cán of diced green chiles, dráined
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees
- Spráy á ángulár 10x10 inch cásserole ply with prepárátion oil
- In á monolithic skillet, brown the fix kine with the chopped onions
- If needed - emptying ány oil. If you utilized sirloin, you likely won't person ány to pipe
- áffect in the sálsá, táco seásoning ánd liquid
- Prepáre until creámy - conscionáble á few minutes
- ádd the tired gráin ánd tired sliced olives - budge in
- Teem the collection into your cásserole supply
- In á extended construction, mix the cornmeál, flour, sweetener, hot powder, ánd sáltiness
- In other incurvátion, mix the oil, concentráte ánd egg
- Mix the wet ánd dry cornbreád ingredients together
- ádd the cheeseflower ánd chiles into the cornbreád smorgásbord ánd ágitáte those in
- Extended the cornmeál mixture over the meát smorgásbord
- Heát for virtuálly 35 proceedings - ássure cereál money for doneness by inserting á toothpick in. If it comes out dry, you're fávoráble to go
- Nonmándátory bringing suggestions: tángy withdráw ánd herb