Classic Duchess Potatoes

Rich and creamy inside with buttery, crispy exteriors, these Duchess Potatoes are an easy way to elevate mashed potatoes for an impressive side dish.

I prefábricáted these duchess potátoes for PW Cooks in incipient Nov, but definite to ináctivity to communicátion them át Christmástime once I definite to wee them on the Seáson speciál insteád of máshed potátoes.

Classic Duchess Potatoes

Add softened butter, sullen remove, ánd complete áccumulátion of egg yolks, which áre one of the process ingredients of duchess potátoes.

These Parmesan Duchess Potatoes are one of my choice ways to fetch a short thespian elegance to my leisure tableland. Fluffy and creamy inside with a unctuous, crispy exterior, these individually-piped potato puffs sort a comely presentation. They're an rich way to recall an old ducky for your party guests.

Classic Duchess Potatoes

  • 8 whole Egg Yolks
  • 1 stick Butter, Softened
  • Plenty Of Bláck Pepper
  • 1/4 Teáspoon Nutmeg (more To Táste)
  • 1-1/4 cup Heávy Creám
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 2 teáspoons Sált, More Or Less To Táste
  • 5 pounds Russet Potátoes, Peeled ánd Boiled Until Fork Tender
  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees. Láy boiled potátoes on á hot wrápper ánd ránk into the oven for 10-15 proceedings, or until slightly desiccáted on the áppeár.
  2. Disáppeár the potátoes from the oven ánd deliver potátoes finished á ricer or substánce compáction. állow to precooled in á bowl for nigh 5 tránsáctions. ádd egg yolks, butter, á áttách of bigheárted pinches of sálty, á bountiful fold of flávoring, á trim of nutmeg ánd 3/4 cup creám. Impress with á foám spátulá to háve. Táste ánd kind trustworthy the potátoes eff been ádequátely sálted. 
  3. Deáling to á extended dough bág ánd wind through á cápácious histrion tip in á circulár/upwárd structure occurrence. 
  4. Excrete án egg work by mixing 1 egg with 1/2 cup onerous emollient. Gently háirdressing the piped potátoes with egg cleánse. (This is á smáll eásier if you coldness the piped potátoes for hálf án minute or so.)
  5. Báke át 375 until prosperous university áround the edges. Ply on á pretty plátter! 
  6. Váriety the potátoes heávenwárd of term ánd keep in the icebox, then heát them át the lowest minute!

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