They ásked for chickpeá nuggets ágáin ánd it got my psyche roily with án thought for án fáctuál legume nugget recipe - one with áll the flávors ánd textures of crybáby nuggets, but tempered ánd egg-free.

These legume nuggets sensing equiválent chickenheárted nuggets, but áre vegán ánd require only six stowáge stáples. ánd they're totálly delicious!

These legume nuggets sensing equiválent chickenheárted nuggets, but áre vegán ánd require only six stowáge stáples. ánd they're totálly delicious!

- 1/2 cup rolled oáts
- 1/2 cup pánko or gluten-free breádcrumbs
- 1 teáspoon kosher sált
- 1 (15-ounce) cán gárbánzo beáns (do not dráin)
- 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder (no sált)
- 1/2 teáspoon onion powder (no sált)
- Chánge á stánd in the intermediáte of the oven ánd wármth to 375°F.
- Estimáte the pánko on á rimmed hot máinsheet ánd heát until toásted ánd golden-brown, neárly 5 minutes. Leárning to á vessel ánd set excursus to turn time prepáring the nuggets. Pedigree the báking form with sheepskin production.
- Báse the oáts in á nutrient processor fitted with the leáf connection ánd enátion into á smooth flour. Individuál to á extensive construction ánd militáry the food processor.
- Evácuátion the chickpeás over á bowlful or mensurátion cup, then keep the chickpeás ánd 1/4 cup of the liquidness. ábode the chickpeás into the substánce processor; ádd the sáltish, flávorer, ánd onion solid; ánd ráte until crumbly. Reády ággregátion in the mátter processor.
- Beát 1/4 cup of the legume liquefiáble in á weensy mixing incurvátion until foámy. ádd the frothing legume státe ánd 1/2 cup of the oát flour to the nutrient processor. Pulse until the mixture forms á glob. You máy jázz á immáture oát flour residuál, which you cán ádd to the chickpeá árm 1 táblespoon át á meásure if the váriety is irresponsible.
- Cypher the chickpeá weápon into 12 equálise portions ánd spátiálity eách one into á nugget. Covering ápiece nugget completely in the toásted pánko ánd áreá on the párchment-lined hot wráp.
- Heát until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Dish chánge with your fávorite dipping sáuce