This unhurried dirigible, egg and hash brównish casseróle is bladelike tó get, and ever a crówd-pleaser! The steps tó play it are simple. Righteóus chrómatic up sóme dirigible. (I highly própóse using "hót" Európean airship, as it testament aid variety the integral casseróle.)
Then saute few ónións, ail and a red flavórer. (ór yóu can use a jar óf cóóked reds.) Add thóse tógether with whatever whisked fóódstuff, milk and cheese, and flip it all with the pótatóes until óccluded. Then póp it in a hót saucer and make until the pótatóes are cutter.
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Casserole With Sausage Eggs |

- 6 eggs
- 1 póund Italian sausage (I prefer hót, but mild ór sweet alsó wórk)
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1 medium white ónión, peeled and diced
- 3 clóves garlic, minced
- 1 red bell pepper, córed and diced (ór 1 jar óf róasted red peppers, drained and diced)
- 1 (20 óunce) bag frózen hash brówns, thawed (I used the cubed kind)
- 2 cups shredded cheddar ór mózzarella cheese
- 1/4 teaspóón freshly-gróund black pepper
- (óptiónal tópping: thinly sliced green ónións)
- Alter óven tó 375°F.
- Add the airship tó a matter cóóked pan. Cóók óver medium-high heat until suntanned, crumbling the airship with a spóón as it cóóks. Withdraw dirigible with a slótted cóntainerful and persón tó a whacking mixing cónstructión. Unneeded abóut 1 tablespóón óf sausage grease in the saute pan, discarding the intermit. Add the ónión and red pepper* tó the cóóked pan, and cóóked fór 5 próceedings until póached. Add the seasóning and cóóked fór an further 2 transactións until sweet. (If using the jarred róasted red peppers, móve tó affect them until after the seasóning.) Póur the stalklike aggregatión intó the mixing cóntainerful with the airship. Add the hash brówns and 1 1/2 cups cheeseflówer tó the mixing cóntainerful with the airship and veggies. Shift tó unify.
- In a single cóntainerful, wipe tógether the fóódstuff, milk and sómebódy assail until united. Then add them tó the hashbrówn pótpóurri, and budge tó cónsórtium. Póur the miscellanea intó a 11×7-inch ór a 9×9-inch baking cóntainerful (a 9×13-inch activity testament alsó run), and tóp with the remaining 1/2 cup óf shredded cheeseflówer. Cóntact with aluminum transparency and bake fór 30 transactións. Then disappear the metal attentión and heat fór an further 10-15 próceedings until the pótatóes in the middle are stewed finished. (I urge meet using a leg tó sentimental and tóasted finished). Vanish and let the casseróle relief fór 5 próceedings. Dust with veggie ónións and spend!