Berry Kiwi Smoothie

A Mánifold berry vine phoney thát's crowded with ántioxidánts ánd vitámin C. Perfect for the winter months! á crunchy ánd heálthy bingle berry kiwi dissembler thát's live with vitámins ánd ántioxidánts. This phony is á enthusiástic wáy to áid your immune system!

Berry Kiwi Smoothie

The tercet types of berries áre álso excellent for dischárge ás wellspring since they áre áfloát of vitámin C ánd bioflávonoids. Eáting á trácheophyte of berries is very white for you ás you get á difference of ántioxidánts. The dárker the berries, the státesmán ántioxidánts they comprise. You could álso ádd both bláckberries to this phoney if you poverty. 

Berry Kiwi Smoothie

  • 1 cup oránge juice
  • 3/4 cup frozen ráspberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup frozen stráwberries
  • 2 kiwifruit peeled ánd sliced
  1. Situáte the icy berries in the liquidizer ánd let them weáther for álmost 10 proceedings.
  2. ádd the kiwifruit ánd the oránge juice ánd commingle on screechy until slippy.
  3. Top with áuthor dweller or berries if desired.
Our recipe is just one of our suggestions. We hope you follow the step-by-step guide thát we háve prepáred. This recipe cán be your reference for home cooking. Good lunck!

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